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User Registration – Profile Completeness

The add-on for profile completeness can be an effective tool in promoting or compelling users to fill out their profiles entirely. It’s an excellent method to boost user engagement on your platform, thereby preventing the presence of numerous incomplete user profiles. It ensures that your website maintains an active and vibrant user base with fully filled-out profiles.

Installation #

  1. Firstly, you need to purchase the User Registration Premium Plan.
  2. After the successful purchase, you will get the plugin zip file under your WPEverest account page.
  3. Now, you can download the User Registration Pro plugin and Profile Completeness add-on from there.
  4. Through your WordPress Dashboard, visit Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and then choose the downloaded zip file and then install and activate it.
  5. Now you are ready to use this add-on for your site.

Alternative Method:

  1. Once you have entered the User Registration Pro license on your site, go to User Registration > Extensions.
  2. Search for the ‘Profile Completeness‘ add-on.
  3. Click on ‘Install‘.
  4. Once the installation is finished, click on ‘Activate‘. The add-on will be activated.

Setup and Configuration #

Once you install and activate the add-on, you can go to the form editor > Form Settings > Profile Completeness and enable this option.

Now, if the user doesn’t fill up all the form fields while registering, they will get a notice that shows the percentage of the profile that has been completed on the Profile Detail page in the My Account section.

Customizing Options #

You can customize various aspects of the Profile Completeness feature. They are as below:

  • Completion Percentage: Set the maximum percentage range for the completeness of the user’s profile. If you set 50%, the users can fill half of the form fields and consider their profile to be completed.
  • Enable Custom Percentage for Each Field: This option lets you set a custom percentage for each individual form field.
  • Enable Profile Incomplete Notice: If you enable this option, the users will be notified via email if they have an incomplete profile. You can customize this message. Do not forget to add the {{profile_completeness}} shortcode to let your users know how many percentages of their profile has been completed.
  • Enable Profile Completion Congrats Email: Enable this option to send a custom message to congratulate the users when they complete their profile.

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