User Registration

Step by step documentation to set up a user registration form for your website.

Getting Familiar with User Registration Form Fields

With User Registration, you can create professional and advanced registration forms for your site. The plugin offers a variety of form fields and features that will take your registration forms to the next level.

The free version offers 22 form fields in which there are 11 Default User Fields and 11 Extra Fields. Apart from these, you’ll be offered other advanced fields with the installation of the premium User Registration add-ons. The 22 form fields are introduced to you below. There is even a search bar to find the required form field directly. The 22 form fields are introduced to you below:

Default User Fields: #

Email #

This field allows users to enter their email addresses. And, checks if the user has entered a valid email address on the frontend. In the Field Options, you can see the various field settings such as Label, Description, Required, Hide Label and advanced settings.

Confirm Email #

This field can be used for the users to confirm their Email address on the frontend of the form.

Password #

This field allows users to enter their desired password for user registration. The user can use this password for the login process after the registration is completed. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Confirm Password #

This field can be used for the users to confirm their password on the frontend of the form.

Username #

This field allows the users to enter their desired username for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

From version 1.9.4 We have provided the feature where you can limit the Username length on the Advanced Setting of the Username field.

Nickname #

This field allows the users to enter their desired Nickname for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

First Name #

This field allows the users to enter their First Name for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Last Name #

This field allows the users to enter their Last Name for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Website #

This field allows the users to enter their Website URL for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Display Name #

This field allows the users to enter their Display Name for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

User Bio #

This field allows the users to write the bio or introduction for themselves when registering in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Extra Fields #

Input Field #

This field allows you to retrieve any user input that you require. You can customize the label name according to your needs.

In the Field Options, you’ll find the various settings such as Field Label, Description, Required, etc. Also, there are the Advanced Settings which include Size, Default Value, and Custom Class.

Password Field #

This is an extra Password Field that allows users to enter a password according to the need of your website registration. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Secondary Email #

This field allows the users to enter a secondary email address. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Select #

This field allows you to add multiple choices for the users to choose from. The choices are displayed in a drop-down option and the user can only choose one of the choices. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc. And, you can add the choices in the Select option which will be shown in the frontend.

Country #

The country field allows users to select a country from a list of 249 countries. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc. Also, you can select which countries to display in the frontend.

Textarea #

This form field allows you to retrieve any type of information (usually a paragraph) from the user. You can use this field to get descriptive and lengthy responses from your users. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Number #

This field allows you to receive any numerical information in your forms. You can use this field for accepting users’ contact numbers or any other numerical values. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Furthermore, you can change additional settings for this field in the Advanced Options.

  • Min Value: The minimum numerical value users are allowed to enter.
  • Max Value: The maximum numerical value users are allowed to enter.
  • Step: Allows the users to enter specific legal number intervals.

Date #

The Date field allows users to select a date when registering on your website. There are settings offered in the date field that allows you to customize the date format and more.

Frontend View:

Also, there is the option to Enable Min-Max Date. This option allows you to choose a date range of minimum and maximum.

Frontend View

Next, there is a Set Current Date as the Default Date which shows the current date when the user is registering on the form.

Frontend View

Lastly, the Enable Date Range option allows the users to select the rate of dates showing a calendar in the form itself.

Frontend View

Native Date Field #

You can choose to create a date field as per your country using the Date Localization feature on the Feild Options.

For example, we will select ‘Arabic’ on the Date Localization option and the frontend view will look like this.

Checkbox #

This field allows you to add multiple choices that are displayed by checkboxes. In the Field Options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc. Also, you can add as many choices as you require, and the user can check(select) more than one option.
From version 1.9.4 We have come up with the “Choice limit” feature where you can enter the minimum number of choices that can be selected.

Now, you can add a choice to select all the option from the advance settings of the Checkbox field which will help users to select all the options if necessary.

Moreover, you can add URLs on the option for the checkbox fields.

Privacy Policy #

This field allows you to place a “terms of use” or site policy on the registration form. In the Field Options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, and Hide label.

Radio #

This field allows you to add multiple choices that are displayed by radio buttons. In the Field Options, you can add as many choices as you like but, the user can only choose one.

There can be times when you can not find the form field you need in the form builder at once. So, you can now just directly search for the required form field to find it quickly.

There is a search bar at the top of the Form Fields on the left side of the form builder. Enter the text of the Form Field that you need, then the related form fields will show up. This allows you to save time on finding the right field between a cluster of form fields easily.

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