Send the files uploaded by the users directly to Dropbox or Google Drive using the Cloud Storage add-on.
Installation #
- Firstly, you need to purchase the User Registration Premium Plan.
- After the successful purchase, you will get the plugin zip file under your WPEverest account page.
- Now, you can download the User Registration Pro plugin and Cloud Storage add-on from there.
- Through your WordPress Dashboard, visit Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and then choose the downloaded zip file, and then install and activate it.
- Now you are ready to use this add-on for your site.
Alternative Method:
- Once you have entered the User Registration Pro license on your site, go to User Registration > Dashboard > All Features.
- Search for the ‘Cloud Storage‘ add-on.
- Click on ‘Activate‘.
Configuration #
Once you have installed and activated this add-on, go to the following location to set up the available cloud storage options.
User Registration > Settings > Integration

Right now, the available options are Dropbox and Google Drive.
Configuring Dropbox #
Generating App Key and Secret #
For authenticating Dropbox, you will need the Dropbox App Key and Secret. Follow the steps below to generate these credentials.
- Log in to your Dropbox account.
- Create a new app on the DBX Platform.

- Click on Create app button. You will be redirected to the following screen.

- On the Settings tab, click on the Scoped App button of the Permission type option. From here, you will need to set the Scopes. The Scopes are shown below. Make sure you have checked these scopes.

- Once the required Scopes are set, go back to the Settings tab.
- Now, on the OAuth2 option, set the redirect URL. For this, you need to enter you site’s URL and click on Add button. For example,
Don’t miss the trailing slash. - You will see options named App key and App secret. Copy these keys to your clipboard.
Authenticating with User Registration #

- Go to User Registration > Settings > Integration > Dropbox.
- Paste the generated keys to their respective places.
- Click on Authenticate with Dropbox account button.
- Now, you can generate token required for authentication by simply following the instruction on the dialog box that appears. Copy this token and verify the account.
Now, your Dropbox account has been authenticated successfully.
Sending files to Dropbox from Registration Form #
- Go to the required form editor > Form Settings. (Make sure you have a File Upload field on the form)
- Now, go to Form Settings > Cloud Storage.

- Set the file upload path as per your Dropbox. (The folder must be inside the Apps folder)
Once the user uploads a file and register on your site via this form, the files will now be sent to your Dropbox’s specified path.
Configuring Google Drive #
Generating Google Client ID and Secret #
- Go to:
- Click on the option “Select a project”, after which a window will pop up. Then, click on the “New Project” option.
Please note that if you already have a project, the project’s name will appear in the place of ‘Select a Project‘.

- Add your project name.
- Browse your location OR choose the option, “No Organization”.
- Click on the “Create” button.

- Navigate to the left and go to: API & Services > Library

- Search ‘Google Drive’.
- Click on ‘Enable‘.

- Navigate to the left and click on “Oauth Consent Screen.”

- Select the “External” radio button.
- Click on the “Create” button.
- Add an “Application Name” in the field.
- Add User Support Email.
- Add your email address in the Developer contact information option.
Please note, the User Support Email and Developer contact information can be the same email address.

- Click on the “Save” button.
Once you have created the app, you will have to publish it. For this, go to OAuth Consent Screen and click on ‘Publish App’. - Navigate through the menu on the left and click on “Credentials”.
- Click on the “Create Credentials” button.
- Select “Oauth Client ID” from the dropdown menu.

- Select the Application type “Web Application“.
- Add the text you desire in the field under “Name”.
- Add your site’s URL under “Authorized redirect URIs”.
Note: If your site’s URI is, then the redirect URIs should be where the trailing ‘/’ is a must. - Click on the “Create” button and you will see a popup window with the Client ID and Client Secret.

- Copy the Client ID and Secret to a clipboard.
Authenticating with User Registration #
- Go to User Registration > Settings > Integration > Google Drive.

- Add the generated Client ID and Secret to their respective options.
- Click on the Authenticate with Google Drive account button.
- Now, you can generate an access token. Continue by following instructions on the dialog box that appears.
- Paste the code and click on Verify access token button.
Now, the Google Drive has been authenticated successfully.
Sending files to Google Drive from Registration Form #
- Go to the required form editor > Form Settings. (Make sure you have a File Upload field on the form)
- Now, go to Form Settings > Cloud Storage.

- Set the file upload path as per your Google Drive.
Once the user uploads a file and register on your site via this form, the files will now be sent to your Drive’s specified path.