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User Registration ActiveCampaign

The User Registration ActiveCampaign allows you to connect the users registering on your site to the specified Active Campaign lists.

Installation #

  • Firstly, you need to purchase the Premium Plan of the User Registration plugin.
  • After the successful purchase, you will get the plugin zip file under your WPEverest account page.
  • Now, you can download the User Registration Pro plugin and ActiveCampaign add-on from there.
  • Through your WordPress Dashboard, visit Plugins -> Add New -> Upload and then choose the downloaded zip file and then install and activate it.
  • Now you are ready to use this add-on for your site.

Alternative Method:

  • Once you have entered the User Registration Pro license on your site, go to User Registration > Extensions.
  • Search for the ‘ActiveCampaign‘ add-on.
  • Click on ‘Install‘.
  • Once the installation is finished, click on ‘Activate‘. The add-on will be activated.

Setup and Configuration #

To connect the User Registration plugin with the Active Campaign, you will need the ActiveCampaign URL, API Key, and Account Name.

Getting ActiveCampaign’s API Key and URL #

Create an account on the Active Campaign, if not already, and follow the official documentation of the Active Campaign in the link below for getting all the necessary details to make this work.

How to get the ActiveCampaign API Key and URL? - Official Documentation

User Registration ActiveCampaign Global Settings #

Once you have collected the ActiveCampaign’s URL and API Key, you will have to enter these details in the User Registration settings.

User Registration – Active Campaign Main Settings

Go To User Registration > Settings > Integration > ActiveCampaign and add the ActiveCampaign URL, API Keys, and the name of your account. Then, click on ‘Connect’ and you are good to go.

You will see that the account has been connected. You can now allow the users to connect to your ActiveCampaign Lists.

Note: You can add multiple connection. Disconnect by clicking 'Disconnect' button on the global settings.

Connecting Registration Forms to ActiveCampaign Lists #

Once the connection has been made from the global settings, you can create a registration form(or edit the existing one) and set it to connect to the ActiveCampaign Lists by following the steps below.

  • Go to the Form Settings > Integration > ActiveCampaign.
  • Click on ‘Add Connection’
  • After you click the Add Connection button, a pop-up will appear to add the connection name. You can use any name you want for this.
  • Click on ‘Add Connection’ and you will be connected.

Once the connection is added, you will have the following options to set up.

  • Select Account: If you have multiple accounts connected, you can choose any one of the available accounts.
  • Select List: You can select the List where the registration data is to be sent from this option.
  • Map Fields: Map the required fields to be sent to the ActiveCampaign List from this option.

Apply Conditional Logic for the Added Connection #

You can apply conditional logic to the connection you have added for it to send the data if the condition is matched. For this, scroll to the bottom of the Connection Configuration. You will find ‘Use Conditional Logic’ under Options.

Enable the ‘Use Conditional Logic’ option and create conditional rules as per your need.

Now, save the changes and the form is ready. Whenever a user registers, they will be connected to the specified list on your Active Campaign account.

Subscription to ActiveCampaign #

Whenever a user registers, they will automatically be subscribed to the allocated lists of the ActiveCampaign account given that the condition is matched, if any. The users can be subscribed from the registration form, WooCommerce checkout forms, and their Account Page.

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