User Registration

Step by step documentation to set up a user registration form for your website.

User Registration – SMS Integration

The SMS Notification add-on for the User Registration plugin integrates with Twilio and helps you send SMS notifications to users.

Installation #

  • Firstly, you need to purchase the User Registration Pro plugin.
  • After the successful purchase, you can activate the module from User Registration> Extensions > All Features > Features.
  • Search the SMS Integration add-on and activate it by clicking on the Activate button.

Setup and Configuration #

After activating the add-on, you’ll see the Twilio tab added to User Registration > Settings > Integration, you will find the Twilio dropdown.

Twilio API #

On that Twilio tab, you need to add Twilio Number, Twilio Account SID and Twilio API Auth Code from your Twilio account. The Twilio API keys can be obtained by following the given procedure:

  1. Log into your Twilio account.
  2. To get the API Key, you can click on API Keys & Token.

Adding the Twilio API keys on the User Registration Settings #

To add the above API keys to the User Registration Forms, please follow the steps below.

  • Go to User Registration > Settings > Integration.
  • Click on the dropdown arrow beside the ‘Twilio‘ option.
  • Once you click the dropdown icon, you will see the following screen.

Now, enter the required keys and click ‘Connect‘.

SMS Notification for Individual Forms #

Once the Twilio keys have been set up, you can now add the SMS notification to the individual forms. For this, follow the steps below:

  • Create a form or edit the existing one.
  • After that, map the phone field to smart format for SMS verification and make sure it is set to the required.
  • Go to Form Settings > General > User Approval And Login Option and select Auto approval after sms verification as shown below:
  • Now, if a user tries to log in after entering the username and password one more step is added for verification, it redirects them to the OTP page and sends an SMS with the OTP to their registered mobile number.

You can resend the code or verify the OTP. Once the OTP is verified, the user will be allowed to log in, and its status will be Approved.

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