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How to enable theme/plugin editor mode?

Sometimes we need to make changes on our site for customization or code modification to fix conflict issues. Still, some web hosting disables the WordPress theme and plugin editor for security reasons. If you want to activate the functionality, you need to make some minor changes to your wp-config.php file:

  • Step-1: Log in to your webspace via FTP or Cpanel and go to your WordPress website.
  • Step-2: Open the folder where your WordPress installation resides.
  • Step-3: Open and Edit the file wp-config.php.
  • Step-4: Search for the entry: define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);
  • Step-5: Change ‘true’ to ‘false’: define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, false);
  • Step-6: Save the file.

Now, the Theme Editor is available under Appearance >> Theme Editor. And the Plugin Editor under Plugins > Plugin Editor.

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