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Getting Familiar with User Registration Form Fields

With User Registration, you can create professional and advanced registration forms for registration on your site.

Fields For Everyone #

All the fields included in this category are available on the free version of the Everest Forms plugin. There are two sections inside this category. They are:

  • Default User Fields
  • Extra Fields

Default User Fields #

Email #

This field allows users to enter their email addresses. And, checks if the user has entered a valid email address on the frontend. In the Field Options, you can see the various field settings such as Label, Description, Required, Hide Label, and advanced settings.

Confirm Email #

This field can be used for the users to confirm their Email address on the frontend of the form.

Password #

This field allows users to enter their desired password for user registration. The user can use this password for the login process after the registration is completed. In the Field Options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Confirm Password #

This field can be used for the users to confirm their password on the frontend of the form.

Using the User Registration Pro add-on, you can restrict the users from copying/pasting the passwords to the Confirm Password fields. For this, go to Fields Options > Advanced Settings. Choose Yes for restricting.

Username #

This field allows the users to enter their desired username for registration at the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

You can limit the username character length from the Field Options > Advanced Settings of the username field. Morever, you can enable/disable the use of special characters as well.

Nickname #

This field allows the users to enter their desired Nickname for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

First Name #

This field allows the users to enter their First Name for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Last Name #

This field allows the users to enter their Last Name for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Website #

This field allows the users to enter their Website URL for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Display Name #

This field allows the users to enter their Display Name for the registration in the frontend of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

User Bio #

This field allows the users to write their bio or introduction for themselves when registering at the front of the form. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Extra Fields #

Input Field #

This field allows you to retrieve any user input that you require.

In the advanced settings of the Input Field, you can set the minimum or maximum character/word-count limit. Moreover, you can set a default value for this field as well.
Limit mode lets you choose between character and word-count options.

Password Field #

This is an extra Password Field that allows users to enter a password according to the needs of your website registration.

In the advanced settings of the Password Field, you can set the character limit for the password.

Secondary Email #

This field allows the users to enter a secondary email address. If you need more than one or the default email address field, you can use this field.

You can add as many Secondary Email fields as your form requires. 

Select #

This field allows you to add multiple choices for the users to choose from. The choices are displayed in a drop-down option and the user can only choose one of the choices. You can add the options from the Field Options on the left side of the Form Editor.

Signature #

The Signature field allows users to add E Signatures on the UserRegistration forms with no trouble. Form fillers can use the Touch Screens or even Mouse to sign on the form.

Country #

The country field allows users to select a country from a list of 249 countries. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc. Also, you can select which countries to display on the frontend.

Textarea #

This form field allows you to retrieve any type of information (usually a paragraph) from the user. You can use this field to get descriptive and lengthy responses from your users. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

In the advanced settings of the Textarea Field, you can set the minimum or maximum character/word-count limit. Moreover, you can set a default value for this field as well.
Limit mode lets you choose between character and word-count options.

Number #

This field allows you to receive any numerical information in your forms. You can use this field for accepting users’ contact numbers or any other numerical values. In the Field options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc.

Furthermore, you can change additional settings for this field in the Advanced Options.

  • Min Value: The minimum numerical value users are allowed to enter.
  • Max Value: The maximum numerical value users are allowed to enter.
  • Step: Allows the users to enter specific legal number intervals.

Date #

The Date field allows users to select a date when registering on your website. There are settings offered in the date field that allows you to customize the date format and more.

Check out advanced options for the date field.

Checkbox #

This field allows you to add multiple choices that are displayed by checkboxes. In the Field Options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, required, placeholder, etc. Also, you can add as many choices as you require, and the user can check(select) more than one option.

Get to know How to configure various options in the checbox field?

Privacy Policy #

This field allows you to place a “terms of use” or site policy on the registration form. In the Field Options, you’ll find the field settings such as field label, description, and Hide label.

How to add a URL in the Privacy Policy field? #

You can add URLs on the privacy policy fields with the help of <a> tag. For this, go to the Field Options, in the description, and add the <a> tag with the required URL and the label. For example, <a href=””> Click here for Privacy Policy </a>

Radio #

This field allows you to add multiple choices that are displayed by radio buttons. In the Field Options, you can add as many choices as you like but, the user can only choose one.

Also, you can enable image choices.

This option is also available for multi-choice and checkbox fields

Premium Fields Pro #

The premium fields in the User Registration are add-ons based. This means that you will have to install and activate certain premium add-ons to use the respective form fields.

File Upload #

Install the User Registration – File Upload add-on to activate this field. Using this field, you can upload various files to your forms. You can upload files of many types, and sizes and can also upload multiple files.

You can check all the necessary details about this fields on from the User Registration - File Upload add-on's documentation.

Custom Captcha #

You can add a field called custom Captcha that helps you strengthen the security of your plugin. This fields consists of mathematical calculation questions or custom questions built by the admin. Only the correct answers can be submitted. By default, the Format is selected as Math. This automatically generates a calculation question on the form. However, you can change this to ‘Question and Answer‘ or ‘Image‘ from the Field Options.

You can choose ‘Question and Answer’ and set your own questions without limit.

You can choose the ‘Image’ option and choose the image icon. You can add multiple Image Groups. Also, select the correct image option and enter the icon name in the Icon Tag section, as shown below.

Now, to complete the registration, you have to choose the correct image using the hint provided.

Advanced Fields #

After you install and activate the User Registration – Advanced Fields add-on, you will get the following fields to use in your registration form.

Section Title:  #

This field allows you to add a heading or divide certain fields. On the Fields Options, you can easily change the Label to add the section title on your form.

Time Picker:  #

With this field, you can add time to the registration field, so that users could be able to enter time during registration. In the Field Options, you will find the settings for label, description, advanced settings, and more.

  • Default to current time: Check this option to set the current time as default.
  • Enable Min Max time: Check this option to set the Minimum and Maximum time.
  • Enable Slot Booking: Enable this option to allow users to book a time slot for a specific date.
You will need to add a date field in order to target the date selected by the users for slot booking.


 HTML field allows you to enter the HTML and code contents to display in the frontend. In the Field Options, you can change the Field Label to your liking and add the HTML code of your desire.

Phone:  #

This field allows users to enter phone numbers specifically. On the Field Options, there are the settings for Label, Description, Field Name, Required and Hide Label. Also, the main settings for the Phone field are the Select Format setting. There are two choices for the Format: Default and Smart.

When you select the Format as Default, you can see the Input Mask option too where you can enter a custom input mask.

When you select the Format as Smart, it displays the country flag with validation and you don’t need to enter an Input Mask.

User Registration phone smart


This field allow users to enter the formatted text and contents wherever necessary. It allows users to submit content without having to use custom code or the use of HTML.

User Registration wysiwyg

Select2: #

The Advanced Fields add-on allows you to insert the Select2 field to your registration forms. Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching infinite scrolling of results. In the Field Options, you can change the Field Label, Description, and add the Multiple choice options.

Multi Select2: #

The Multi Select2 form field allows users to select multiple options and all of these choices will be displayed in the form field in the frontend. Just like the Select2 field, it supports searching infinite scrolling of results. In the Field Options, you can change the Field Label, and Description, and add the Multiple choice options.
From version 1.9.4 We have come up with the “Choice limit” feature where you can enter the minimum number of choices that can be selected.

And now, you can add a choice to select all the option from the advance settings of the MultiSelect2 which will help users to select all the options if necessary.

Profile Picture: #

Add this field to allow users to submit their profile picture.

Get to know more about the Profile Picture field.

Range(Slider) Pro #

The range is a field that is available now in the “Advanced Fields” add-on, where you can add a field called Range, to display a beautiful user-friendly bar slider in the front-end of the form, where users can select a value from the provided data by dragging the Handle.

Looking for instruction on how to configure the range (slider) field?

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